


New Life Christian Centre Was founded by Bishop Mathews Chikwanda

Bishop Mathews Chikwanda was called by the Lord to get into Ministry when he was studying at the University of Zambia. During his study he had already heard the call but when he got to the 3rd year that’s when he decided to answer the call and left the University. His decision to leave university was received with mixed feelings by the family and the community, and the man of God was perceived to be insane as leaving school or employment for ministry at that time was not a common thing to do to. But he was still determined to answer the call of God anyway.

He came to Ndola in 1995 he began the ministry with 2 other elders, which is Elder Boniface Sakala and Elder Gabriel Schultz, at Nsansa School.

After one year of Ministry he got married to a vibrant your lady by the name of Nelly Chama. They both started running the ministry and the church.

Bishop Mathews was a great teacher of the word of God and was known to be a rabbi who taught by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, He never went to any official Bible school. He was taught by the Holy Spirit and his vision which is still propelling the ministry today which is teaching the Untaught and training the Untrained.

His life was exceptional in so many ways, the man was a heavy stammerer yet when he got the mic to preach the word of God, he spoke fluently as though he never had difficulties in ordinary conversation. That was a miracle it’s self.

He was also a person who believed in preaching to the poor and because of that he birthed a charitable organization called Mercy ministries, it’s so purpose was to serve the under privileged and vulnerable in society and among other things mercy ministries would provide launch to scores of children every day.

Bishop Mathews established 3 churches before he went to be with the Lord. He believed in raising sons. He raised sons who are scattered all over the world today in different fields of endeavors. He didn’t believe in hiring, he didn’t believe in adopting or even borrowing leaders from other churches. Ever since his death in the years 2000, his wife Now Bishop Nelly Chikwanda and her sons in ministry have continued propelling the vision of the ministry and they have birthed out over 30 churches across Zambia and other nations abroad by the grace of God.

New Life Ministries International is a prophetic ministry, New Life Christian Centre the main branch in Ndola is one of the few churches where the then sitting president Dr. FTJ Chiluba had taken a service with an inspiring message.

That’s a brief out life of Bishop Mathews Chikwanda